Future Tense

Fast Forward
Robotnik devises a new plan to rid himself of Sonic once and for all...

Out Of Date
Miles explains a little of what's happened...
While Julie-Su does a little reminiscing of her own...

Getting Up To Speed...
For years, Lara-Su has been searching for Robotropolis...
Now she has an ally who know exactly where it is...

Sins Of The Past...
Freed after 15 years...Knuckles isn't very happy to see Robotnik...
But his feelings are quite opposite when it comes to Julie-Su
(I feel I should warn you...this one get pretty nasty...and naughty...)

Future Shock
Everyone's more than a little startled to discover Knuckles is back on the Island...
But all Lara-Su cares about is that her dreams have finally come true...

In order to set things right and get Sonic home...
The gang turn to a not-so-familiar friend for help...

There are a few new characters in this storyline...
So I thought I'd be nice and give you a brief profile on each...

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The Guiding Star Gem will lead you home...